
Lease Your Equipment with CMC
Large and Small Ag Operations Everywhere
Are Gaining Financial & Tax Advatages!

Gary Ward, CMC’s leasing manager, can tailor a leasing program on nearly any major equipment, including the Pressure Cure Dry System, to fit almost any budget.

“Wether you farm 5,000 acres or a quarter-section, leasing your CMC Pressure Cure Dry System, bins, and other major equipment makes good business sense.” – Gary Ward

A professional leasing specialist, Gary knows more than a little  about the business of farming.  He grew up in a farming family and has worked in the agricultural field for close to 20 years.

Call Gary at 1-888-257-1785

Leasing offers large and small farmers faive main advantages over cash or conventionally financed purchases.

  • Locked in rate.  Banks currently offer only adjustable rate loans on agricultural equipment. With leasing, the rate and the payment remain the same for the term of the lease; allowing the customer to budget more effectively.
  • Tax Advantages.  Both individuals and corporate farmers gain a tax advantage from leasing. Consult your accountant or tax attorney for details.
  • Preserves line of credit. Leasing has no bearing on a farmer’s bank credit line and is tied on to the equipment leased. A bank may cut off a farmer’s credit that has borrowed funds for operations or other equipment.
  • Better cash flow.  With its flexible payment schedules, leasing allows farm families and corporations to make their payments when they can best do so. We tailor a payment schedule that works best for you.
  • Flexible terms.  The upfront payment, or amount down, can be 10%, 15%, 20% or more based on what works best for your cash flow and budget. The lease can run from three to seven years with payments made annually, semi-annually, or monthly.